Here’s How To Get Top Dollar For Your Home Even When The Market Shifts

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Ugh. Not again. This is the fifth night in a row. You fall fast asleep and then wake up in the middle of the night with the same question running through your mind. It doesn’t stop.

While your spouse sleeps soundly beside you, your thoughts of regret are screaming loudly through your mind. Almost as loud as that darn ticking clock. Why is it so loud?

Yes, losing sleep has been a total headache. But the most annoying part of your insomnia is the fact you’re nowhere closer to knowing what to do. Even though you’ve been dwelling on this issue for days.

Every night you analyze, dissect, and question why you didn’t sell your home last year when homes were selling faster than the speed of lightning. “Did I miss taking advantage of the seller’s market?” The feeling of regret sits heavy on your shoulder.

Sure, selling last year would’ve been ideal.

The market was hotter than ever. This meant there were bidding wars over older homes and worse conditions than yours. It was pretty much a guarantee that you’d walk out of the transaction ahead of the game.

You ask yourself every day, “Why didn’t I sell in 2021 as everyone told me I should do?”

The truth is it wasn’t the right time last year. Your youngest child still had one more year of high school. So even though you were ready to downsize and simplify, you knew it was best to stay put until your daughter finished her senior year.

In the end, you decided not to sell and remain in your home for the 2021-22 school year.

Could that year of waiting cost you more than you thought? This question goes through your mind, keeping you up at all hours, “Did I miss the chance to sell my house for top dollar by waiting a year?”

Here’s the good news.

It’s still an excellent time to sell your house and here’s why

  • Inventory is still low, which causes prices to remain high
  • While interest rates are slowly creeping up, mortgage rates are still considered low
  • Now is the time to cash in on your home’s equity
  • You as the seller can still get a more favorable set of terms in your contract

Experts all agree. If you’re even thinking, considering, contemplating, meditating, or pondering the notion of selling your home, do it nowDon’t expect this hot market to last forever.

List your home with an agent that’s familiar with your market and its ever-changing trends. This way they know exactly how to price your home to sell.

Understanding the current real estate market

Gone are the days of 2020-21 (both a good and bad thing) where you could list your home without doing a single upgrade or update. Days where the expectation was for buyers to waive all contingencies and ask for nothing.

And remember when homes went live and within 24 hours they were already in a multiple offer bidding war? And ended up selling for upward of 30% over asking. Yeah, those days are becoming a thing of the past.

The market is shifting. But that doesn’t mean you’ve missed your chance to cash in on your equity and sell your home for top dollar.

Now more than ever it’s important to have an agent that understands what the market is doing. And also knows how to list your home competitively. Ensuring you’re able to get the best offer on the table.

That’s where I come in. I’m here to get your home listed so it sells fast and at the best possible price.

How to sell your home when the market keeps shifting

You’ve made the decision to sell, and now I’m here to make sure your listing is a success. Here’s how we’re going to do it.

  • 1. Don’t overlook the importance of prepping your home

This means cleaning out, decluttering, and removing items you can see from the curb. Buyers are getting a little more picky, so prepping your home is an important step not to skip.

Don’t think you can sell your home in any condition.

A deep clean goes a long way with buyers and can impact how many buyers come through your doors. Hire a professional cleaner or organizer if you feel overwhelmed with this task.

This is also a great time to walk through your home and make note of any updates that will impact your home’s value.

  • 2. Price it right

I’ve seen this happen too many times, and I don’t want it to happen to your home. Agents list a home too high expecting buyers to pay any price for a home because they’re so desperate.

Pricing it at a competitive price is your best option. You want to draw buyers in, create a multiple offer situation, and then the bidding wars can happen.

Overpricing your home results in your home sitting on the market longer, not selling, and typically, a price reduction.

There are many factors that play a role when it comes to pricing your Kitsap County home at the right price. We will go over them together and make sure you’re comfortable with the end number.

  • 3. Have your timeline predetermined

If you’re set to sell, time is of the essence. It’s important to have a date in mind and stick to that date. When I know your timeline, I’m able to start reaching out to other agents and buyers to spread the word about your house.

Be prepared to have multiple showings each day when your home’s listed.

The more challenging your schedule is, the harder it is for agents to show your home to buyers. Make it simple for buyers to view your home.

We will also discuss the option of a deadline for offers before listing. There are plenty of pros and cons to this strategy and we will decide which course of action is best for you.

  • 4. Figure out beforehand what you’re willing to accept in an offer and what you won’t accept

Before the offers start rolling in, you want to have a clear idea of your priorities. Sometimes the price isn’t the most important part of an offer.

Say you need to be able to stay in the home for a few weeks after closing. This is something a buyer could add to their offer, which would make it very attractive for you.

This is also when you need to decide your negotiables and non-negotiables.

Deciding these things ahead of time helps move the process along. If buyers are serious about their offer getting accepted, they want to include the things that matter most to you.

  • 5. Deciding on the offer that’s best for you

It’s important to understand that a multiple offers situation isn’t a sure thing, but they are more likely when your home’s priced right. And it will be. With multiple offers, you want to keep your list of negotiables and non-negotiables in mind.

The offer with the highest price doesn’t always mean it’s the best offer for you.

We’ll talk through each offer, discuss what works and what doesn’t, and I’ll negotiate to get you the best outcome. Negotiations often move fast. I’ll make it a priority to communicate and respond to you as things progress.

Deciding to sell your home’s a big deal, and finding the right agent to do the job is a big deal. Both I take very seriously. I want you to feel confident in who you have representing your needs.

My name is Wendy Bathgate. I’m a local resident and real estate agent in Kitsap County. I will get you the best offer for your home so you walk away feeling assured, satisfied, and confident in your decision to sell.

Don’t lose sleep any longer wondering if you missed the market.

Tap the link below today and learn how you can still take advantage of this market.